Steve Kidd Cycling Trips and Guides

Altofts - Newland Hall

The whole area between Normanton and the river Calder is surreal, and lends itself to exploration on an MTB

Length 1 km km Rating Poor
Authority WMDC Surface 0
OS Sheet 104 Width 0
Between West end of Altofts Traffic 2
OS Ref. 4367, 4234 Stops 0
and Middle of nowhere Danger 1
OS Ref. 4369, 4225 Navigability 1
Date 17/07/2001 Route 0
Author Steve Kidd Score 4
By Rail Normanton 1.5 km
How to find Opposite the first (or last) house at the east end of Altofts
Connection The southern end of the route ends is a crossing of bridal ways, which might be used